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Services I Offer

Experience You Can Trust

Tarot Reading

15 minute Spiritual Reading 


This reading is perfect for specific topics and questions you may have. I am guided by spirit and whatever you were needing to know will come through. I connect with your higher self and guides and through psychic connection as well as using cards I can gain more in-depth insight on things in your past, present and future. 

30 minute Spiritual Reading


I am guided by spirit, whatever you are needing to know is what will come through the session. Tapping into your energy using my psychic abilities and well as utilizing other modalities such as cards and pendulums will give me more in-depth look into upcoming events and situations you may be currently dealing with. 

Tarot Cards _ Crystals
Tarot Cards

Spiritual Reading Full session 


This reading is spiritually guided for what your energy is needing. Connecting with your spirit team, I am guided through energy. Oftentimes, I will use multiple decks, psychic vision, and even connecting with your loved ones. This reading is based on what your soul is needing to hear at this time.  Celtic spread is my go to choice and through this we can see a bigger picture over the next 3 months looking into 6 months on your future card. Loved ones and spiritual guides are welcomed in during this session and will channel messages as they come in. I give this reading to spirit and what ever you are needing is what will come through. 




 This session is anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour.


    I will connect to your spirit team as well as open the door for anyone who has passed to come through. They come through using all of my senses, as well as showing me images items. I can sense personality. I sometimes pick up on smells taste and emotional situations. Every session is very unique and its own way I open the space and see who shows up all welcome through love and light. 

Assorted Crystals
Reiki Treatment

Reiki Healing


We are all spiritual beings living a human experience, having human emotions. We tend to bottle emotions and over time these emotional blockages will cause us to have physical ailments. Reiki is divine healing energy that comes from the highest of the heavens. Reiki knows where to go to clear any energy that is holding a Bioki (negative) vibration and transmutes this energy, and releases what isn't serving you, thereby easing up the physical and emotional issues you may be having. Reiki energy has the ability to travel through time and heals past situations, this is a great modality to help treat trauma from the past.

Past Life Reading


Through Reiki, I am able to access past lives and pick up on situations that you have went through. Most of the time, they are lessons we are still learning today. Reiki then offers healing those energetic chords to the past, releasing any energy that no longer serves you. 

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